Increase online authority with offline. Here's how we do it.

Many of our friends and acquaintances work in the hospitality industry. As we were having drinks one Friday night, the conversation turned to the subject of reviews. Often guests promise to leave a review, yet they end up not doing so.

Do they forget, find it too much trouble, or just say "yes" to get rid of it? One thing is for sure: it has to be arranged quickly and easily, so that people can still leave a review on the spot. Below we explain how we solved this for them.

NFC chips

If you're not familiar with NFC, don't worry, I'll explain. NFC (Near Field Communication) is a wireless technology that allows information to be exchanged between two devices. Because most smartphones support NFC, users can receive a signal by holding their device close to the NFC chip.

Because the chips are integrated into our signs, guests can receive the signal by tapping their phone against the sign.

Review signs Whizz Burger and Zeebinkie

Easily leave reviews

On the website, we created links to Google, TripAdvisor, Facebook and more platforms.

This allows guests to quickly choose the platform and easily leave a review within two clicks without unnecessary steps.

This system encourages guests to leave reviews on the spot ánd so they can't forget it when they get home.

App for business owners

To determine how many reviews the business owner receives, he or she can use an app. In this app, he can see what reviews are coming in, the nature of these reviews (positive/negative) and can use artificial intelligence (AI) to respond automatically.

For the business owner, this provides insight into his guests' experiences. If a service or service goes less well and someone writes a review about it, he can respond directly through the app and possibly offer a solution. In this way, image damage can be prevented.


The NFC signs and review system are being received very positively. Business owners see an increase in the number of reviews and find it easy to respond through the app. They also say they are getting more insight into their customers' or guests' experiences.

The importance of reviews is enormous. That's why we are happy to provide value in this way.

"Google Reviews are hugely important to us and Danny and Rick did a great job helping us by linking our reservation system. As a result, our guests automatically receive a text or email to leave a review after their dinner.

They also installed special signs in the store that guests can tap with their phones to post a review. Super convenient!!!"

Chanise Langstraat

Manager, Restaurant Zeebinkie


Discuss the possibilities for your business?

Discuss the possibilities for your business?

Danny Lifino

Discuss the possibilities for your business?

Discuss the possibilities for your business?

Rick Liifno