My Real Experience as Starting Self-Employed

Traveling the world, infinite money and working from a tropical island. If the YouTube influencers are to be believed, self-employment is "the way to go.

As I had shared recently, I left employment about a month ago to embark on an adventure with Danny. And, fair is fair, it's not all about roses.

Unlike all the great stories, I want to share my honest opinion on how I experienced my first month. Curious about my story? Then read on.

Danny and Rick online strategy


You wake up, now what? Without your employer's mandatory attendance, setting an alarm clock suddenly feels a lot less urgent. You are, as they always say so nicely, suddenly your own boss. But whether that's necessarily an advantage, I have my doubts.

Fixed work hours can actually serve as a stick and take away some responsibility. After all, if I don't open my laptop until 11:00, there's no one to call me on it.

Despite the fact that freedom is often praised, I believe that a certain structure provides a great deal of peace of mind. Therefore, my goal was to build a structure from the beginning. As soon as my alarm clock rings at 6 a.m., I force myself to actually get up.

Was this easy in the beginning? No, definitely not, but I believe it gets easier and easier the longer you stick with it. After all, it takes 60 days to build a habit, so we're not there yet.

Social contacts

Lifino currently consists of two permanent employees, Danny and me. We also have three freelancers working for us who support us remotely. Because everyone works from their own location, you often find yourself alone during the day, without many people around you.

I can be pretty well alone, but sometimes I still miss the presence of others. This is not only because I am curious about what my colleagues have been up to over the weekend, but also because the opportunity for knowledge sharing is somewhat limited anyway because you work remotely.

In a future blog I will share more about how I stay up-to-date in the field of online marketing.

Pension & administration

Pension and administration, personally I always find it dry. From my previous employer this was all neatly arranged for you. Every year someone was hired to update you on the latest developments regarding your pension. A meeting was also scheduled in which you were explained about defensive, neutral and offensive pension investments.

Enthusiastically you leave the office and convince yourself that you are really going to look at this in the evening. But in the evening, this enthusiasm diminishes and you replace this task with something that seems more important at the time. Guilty.

Being self-employed doesn't take care of it all for you, so you really do have to take on that responsibility yourself. And if your interest does not lie there, a simple task can feel like evening work.


Maybe this blog sounds negative, but that is not the intention. I'm just trying to add a little more realism to the romantic picture. Still, it brings many wonderful things, such as freedom, fulfillment and a learning process that you won't get at many employers.

The sense of responsibility is different. After all, you are the one ultimately responsible. This also brings pressure. Struggling doesn't really sound like an advantage, yet I see it that way. In this month, I have already run into many lamps. Questions that I could normally ask my colleagues or my supervisor, I now had to solve on my own.

I have learned an enormous amount in a short time and that is very important to me. I also enjoy my freedom and get a lot of satisfaction when clients are happy with us. Now I also had that when I was still employed, but honestly, this feels more special. You get up every day to build something that belongs to you and that together with your brother. This makes me happy.

Did you enjoy reading about my experience? Then keep an eye on my LinkedIn page. I plan to share more.